Talkback Boards
Talkback Boards are digital or paper posters or whiteboards with prompts and simple statements designed to obtain quick feedback from youth to measure various outcomes.
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The IMPACT Libraries talkback boards allow you to measure several computational thinking outcomes, including preparation for future learning or career, positive computational thinking experiences, computational thinking skills, perseverance, and collaboration.
BYO Interview Protocol
The build-your-own interview protocol is a flexible tool that allows you to create and customize your own interview with a set of questions that you find most useful. The questions will help you gain immediate feedback and insights from the youth that participate in your programs.
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In the assessment suite, you’ll find a build-your-own interview protocol that measures each of the IMPACT Libraries’ outcomes. You can choose to use just two or three questions or use the whole protocol and you can modify the questions according to your needs.
The rubric assesses computational thinking concepts and skills that youth may develop as part of your computational thinking programming. The complete rubric is extensive and includes six categories of computational thinking concepts you can evaluate, including plan and design, prototyping, user testing, modification and revision, testing, debugging and troubleshooting, and documentation.
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The rubric categories are structured as individual sub-rubrics for you to focus on just one of the topics and each category contains several items and a scale detailing the meaning of scoring youth between 1 to 5 on each item.
Dispositions Checklist
The Dispositions Checklist is an observation tool that allows you identify three different computational thinking dispositions among youth. You can decide to measure all three dispositions or a subset of them, depending on what interests you or how much time you have.
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The checklist measures perseverance when tackling complex problems, tolerance to ambiguity when problem-solving, and disposition toward collaboration with others to achieve a common goal.
Design Challenge
A design challenge is an assessment tool aimed at measuring computational thinking skills by observing youth working to solve an open-ended problem. The design challenge will provide an opportunity for you to observe youth using computational thinking skills.
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If you have a challenge that you already plan to let youth work through, great! If you are still determining if you have such an exercise, want inspiration to create one, or want to use an existing challenge, keep in mind that the tool provides examples.
CT Confidence Survey
The computational thinking confidence survey can help you identify the levels of confidence youth gain during your computational thinking programming. It comes in two formats – digital or paper-based questionnaires with questions about how they feel about problem-solving and working on computational projects.
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The IMPACT Libraries survey allows you to computational thinking confidence. There are two versions of the survey, one is short and simplified, and uses emojis instead of numeric responses and is designed for younger youth. The other is a bit more advanced, using a 5-point Likert scale and includes more questions.
Facilitator Self-Assessment
The facilitator self-assessment tool is designed as a self-reflection tool to evaluate your progress towards your goals of providing access to technology and equitable opportunities to computational thinking for youth in your community. The facilitator self-assessment tool consists of a few questions for you, or other program facilitators, to reflect on the program.
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The facilitator self-assessment tool is designed as a self-reflection tool to evaluate your progress towards your goals of providing access to technology and equitable opportunities to computational thinking for youth in your community. The facilitator self-assessment tool consists of a few questions for you, or other program facilitators, to reflect on the program.